Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.
In 1989, we introduced induction cap sealing for the first time in India for Procter & Gamble’s VICKS Vaporub. A 5 KW induction cap sealer was supplied to deliver a production of 300 BPM. Subsequently, multinationals like CADBURY, NESTLE, PENZOIL, GULF OIL & SHELL purchased several machines each. Since then more than 3500 machines have been sold to various industries like Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverages, Agrochemicals, Petrochemicals, Cosmetics, Dairy and many other industries.
Our first machines were designed on the Electron Tube technology, subsequently as new generation components were available solid state machines were developed to meet the market requirement. Whole ranges of machines from low power semi automatic machines to medium power fully automatic machines to high power highline speed machines were developed.
The first ever fully air cooled machine in India was developed and supplied by Electronic Devices in the year 2003. As per customers requirement features were added for monitoring & diagnosis. Today we can boast of providing all the features available with any induction cap sealer available in the world.
We have developed special sealing head to suit any type of cap, be it CRC, Flat, Spout, Dispensing, round, oval, square etc. Our Research and Development team can provide solutions for any demanding need.
Over the years we have grown from a 200 sq ft manufacturing facility to around 15000 sq. feet manufacturing facility. A full-fledged R & D department with sophisticated instruments & stimulation facility has been set up. The R & D team is well qualified and has also presented & published Technical Papers in international technical conferences year after year.
Similarly the Mechanical design facility is equipped with experience & qualified personnel & CAD facility.
Customer service has always remained company’s forte. In India sales & service centers have been set up in Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai & Cochin. We have a strong team for failure analysis & corrective action that has helped achieving zero-defect product. It works in close association with the customers for attaining better understanding of the end user’s needs. Our Customer service departments are staffed with qualified as well as experienced people.
* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.